Which vouchers do providers need to follow up with/ which are automatically reconciled?
- For 6 vouchers we automatically reconcile (TFC, Edenred, Computershare, Sodexo, Care-4, Kiddivouchers ), if status does not change from complete to in bank over a period of 2 weeks, you need to do a deeper look at that payment
- Rest of the vouchers – You will need to check but they should be very few in number
- You will have the option to charge the card for all of them, if needed
What do the statuses mean?
Card status
In progress statuses
- Email entered - Parent has entered email but then stopped
- Card entered - Parent has entered their card details (this step skips straight to complete for cards)
Complete statuses
- Complete - Parent has completed the payment and funds have been captured.
- Paid out - Payment provider has confirmed payout of funds
- In Bank - The day the payment providers assures the payment will be in the providers bank account (usually T+2)
- Cancelled - Provider has cancelled the payment before it was completed.
- Partially refunded - Provider has refunded some of the original payment
- Refunded - Provider has refunded all of the original payment